Truly independent investment advice for expats in the Netherlands.

Our Services

Black Swan Capital provides tailored, independent investment advice for expatriates and international clients in the Netherlands, recognising the unique challenges they face managing their finances. Our comprehensive service considers your individual financial and personal circumstances, focusing on helping you achieve your goals.

Our Philosophy

Our diverse team of global financial professionals understands the challenges of living abroad firsthand. We offer exceptional financial guidance tailored to international professionals' unique needs, working collaboratively with you, listening to your needs and aspirations, in order to develop a financial strategy that aligns with your life.

Why Choose Black Swan Capital?

Living away from your home country often entails managing specific and unique financial needs, and we understand the costly consequences of making ill-informed decisions. That's why we've designed tailored solutions to accommodate individuals from all backgrounds.

Our service is comprehensive and independent, with our investment license granted as an independent investment adviser. This allows us to assess options across the market to determine the best course of action for you. Importantly, our independence means we maintain no affiliations with any fund or investment institution and refuse commissions from any firm, ensuring our commitment solely lies with our clients. You'll never encounter long-term investment structures or be burdened with potential exit fees.

“We provide clear fee-for-service investment advice and 21st Century solutions.”

David Bellingham
Chief Executive Officer, Black Swan Capital

Book a Consultation

If you’d like to enquire about our services, request a consultation, or get in touch for any other reason, fill out the form below and a member of our team will get in touch to arrange a meeting.