News & Resources
We are dedicated to sharing our knowledge and experience with our clients, both existing and prospective, to promote a wider and more accessible understanding of the value of financial services.
What to do when you receive an inheritance as an expat and how to make the most of it
Receiving an inheritance can be life-changing. It can provide you with the financial security to pursue your dreams or make significant changes to your lifestyle. However, it can be overwhelming, and you may worry about…
5 really valuable ways financial planners help you that you may not have considered
When was the last time you paid to enjoy a meal in an expensive restaurant? With Covid, it might have been some time ago, but cast your mind back for a moment. Did you choose the restaurant because of the food alone, or was it the attentive…
10 great financial habits that you could start today
According to author and personal development trainer Brian Tracy, research suggests it could take just 21 days of repeating an action to turn it into a habit. This could be great news if you want to switch some bad financial habits into good ones.
Who is most likely to ‘panic sell’ their investments and when you shouldn’t do it
We speak frequently about our philosophy behind investment management and financial planning and advice. Our approach is objectives-based. That means the investment recommendations and advice we provide our clients is focused on…
How much cash should I hold and the dangers of holding too much
How much of your wealth do you hold in cash? And how much of your wealth should you hold in cash? Two very important questions often with rather different answers. In this article, we discuss the pros and cons of holding cash…
Good reads – 5 book recommendations for investing in your downtime
It’s not all about finance. Sometimes it’s good to read a good book and escape into a well-written story. With the Booker Prize releasing its shortlist ahead of the 2021 winner announcement later this year, our CEO David Bellingham lists…
4 powerful reasons why ESG funds could help the planet and your wealth
In the run up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) 2021 later this year, it seems Europe has been experiencing first-hand the effects of global warming. In July, Germany and Belgium had two months’ rain…
Money Management: Why it’s even more important for women to have control of their finances
According to research quoted in the Financial Times this week, women are found to have more concerns about retirement and meeting their income needs than men. Looking at some of the inherent disadvantages, this increased concern…
How to keep saving after lockdown?
We have all been through an extraordinary period in the last 18 months, and by all accounts and expectations, we will remain in a changed way of life. With freedom of movement increasing in Europe, and life morphing to a new version
The most important question expats in Europe need to know the answer to
For people living in Europe, away from their home country, there are many uncertainties that go along with the excitement of expat life. One of the major uncertainties is often around money- how to manage it- and how to prepare for your long-term future.
10 vital money lessons that will make your children financially savvy adults
It’s said that most children have learned the financial habits they’ll use as an adults by the time they are seven. This means it’s never too early to teach your youngsters good money habits that will help them later in life.
Understanding investment reports – 6 areas to make sure you understand
At this time of year, investors will receive mid-year investment reports. This article helps you break through the jargon, understand what you are reading and to know what it all means. According to several expats we speak with…
5 reasons expats don’t seek financial advice and why they should
As an expat in Europe, there are several ways of doing things that you need to get used to. This includes, managing your money, your pensions and investments, and undertaking proper financial planning. When we speak with the international community,
5 times when you can really benefit from speaking with us
The most gratifying part of what we do at Black Swan Capital is spending time with our clients, whether that is new clients coming to us for the first time, or existing clients that have been with us for some time. Our clients tell us they appreciate our personal…,
7 nations leading the way to a cashless society are in Europe. Do you live in one?
One of the more unexpected effects of the world’s battle with Covid has been the way we pay for the things we buy. According to media reports, Europe’s trend of using cashless payment for goods rose during lockdown, with Visa…
3 things that can impact your investments for the 2nd half of 2021
As we look towards the second half of 2021, after a strong first half of the year in many financial markets, we focus here on what we believe could be the 3 main impactors when it comes to your money and your investments.
Going Home? What you need to know if you are an Australian in Europe
It has been estimated that approximately 1 million Australians are living and working overseas at any point in time and Europe is one of the leading destinations for expats. However, with the advent of the COVID-19 crisis, many Australian professionals…
The Risk Gap
We are always told that all investments carry risk and that any asset can go down in value as well as up. We know that different people have different attitudes to risk and these will always factor into a personal portfolio, but should it?
The importance of communication in investing
Communicating effectively is one of the universal challenges, and some would say, problems in communicating are the root cause of much tension and conflict at all levels of society and around the world. Whether it is being understood, getting…
How and why to avoid chasing the latest investment trend
We have written before about the temptation and false sense of safety that comes from following what everyone else appears to be doing when it comes to investing, by putting your money in an investment that has just increased in value.