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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

Staying the course

I am going to address 2 core investment principles in this article. 1) Investment markets go up and down over time. We know this for a fact and see it day in and day out. Investment management theory tells us that there is an almost equal probability of…

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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

What expats are asking in 2023

We thought it would be valuable to share some of the most frequently asked questions expats and international professionals in Europe have been asking us this year, so here they are. If you have a question reach out to us directly.

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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

Tracking your expenses to reduce stress

Inflation may be falling but it is still high and for many people, the increase in cost of living can cause stress when it comes to managing your finances. In this article, we discuss how you can manage this stress by taking steps to manage your money.

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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

How your favourite things can boost your wellbeing

We would like to share an article we read this past week in The Conversation. It has real resonance for expats living in Europe in a still inflationary environment. It also aligns to the Black Swan Capital philosophy and approach of being objectives…

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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

Sell in May and go away

Is there any point to starting an investment in the summer?

The old investor’s adage of ‘sell in May and go away’ refers to the cyclical trend wherein many markets tend to take a dip in the summer, running up to a recovery that starts around September.

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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

Understanding RISK when it comes to your investments

We are always told that all investments carry risk and that any asset can go down in value as well as up. We know that different people have different attitudes to risk and these will always factor into a personal portfolio, but should it?

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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

The personalities of money management

We are passionate about financial education and avoiding financial jargon. There are core principles we value: access to good information that is clearly explained, and information that is backed up by research. What we don’t like are…

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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

Expats with US-based assets - 3 reasons you need a check-up

A large proportion of our clients here at Black Swan Capital in Europe are US-connected and most of you in that position have some assets back in the States, in the form of 401k or other employment pensions, IRA (traditional or Roth) or investment portfolios…

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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

Protect yourself and your money online

The emergence of online financial influencers has been a growing trend in the last few years. The Covid induced lockdowns and advancement of platforms like TikTok & Instagram have amplified their voices bringing them to a larger, and global audience.

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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

Making money: How much can you afford to lose?

The role of a financial advisor is often misunderstood. We are not the all-seeing oracles, predicting the future of global economics and finding the rare diamonds lurking at the bottom of the murky swamp that is the global investment market.

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