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How the 2024 US election could affect your investments

On 5 November 2024,the US will vote on who will become their 47th president. Though it is not set in stone, following Trump’s caucus success in Iowa and New Hampshire, it is looking quite likely that there maybe a repeat of the 2020 race…

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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

Investing – Why not do it all yourself?

I’m serious. It’s not that hard. So many people in the world of finance and investing try to make it sound really difficult because they want to sound clever. Think of how much you would spend on financial help. Your financial advisor will charge you…

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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

2024 – What’s in store and what you should do

The year is well underway, most people have returned to work or study, and the festive season break has become a fading memory. We have had the first meeting of the European Central Bank this week and in light of this, we set out our barometers…

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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

Our 2023 Wrapped investment questions!

According to Eurostat, life expectancy at birth in the EU increased by 2 years for women and 2.9 years for men between 2002 and 2021. As people continue to live longer, the way your life will look after the age of 50 is likely to be very different to previous generations.

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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

The GAS Principle and managing your investments

With everyone talking about their Spotify wrapped playlists and most-listened to artists for 2023 this week, we thought we would create the equivalent of in terms of the most discussed investment topics of 2023, as asked by our clients and expats across Europe.

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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

How to avoid investor biases and reactive decisions

While investment decisions should be based on facts, many investors find their decisions are sometimes influenced by emotions. Whether you’re excited about an investment opportunity, or worried about market volatility, keeping emotions in check…

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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

What is “home bias” and how could it affect you?

Leaving the comfort of “home” can often be a step too far for investors.

Indeed, as an expat, it may be tempting to just stick with what you know and invest your wealth in familiar assets from either the country of your birth or the country you are now residing in.

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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

How decision making can impact your finances

Decision making, and the result of decisions you make, can be minor to the point of trivial or can have profound impacts on your finances and your life. As we saw this week in international football, the decision by a referee to overturn a decision to…

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Article Black Swan Capital Advisers Article Black Swan Capital Advisers

Handling major life events as an expat

The chance to live and work abroad can be an enriching experience, bringing excitement and satisfaction in many ways. It also causes challenges and complexity. Black Swan Capital Europe have made a list of 5 important considerations for people…

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